About Us
We are a nursing home situated in Klebang, Melaka, Malaysia. Started in 2005, our current set up consists of a large bungalow with land area of 19,000 sq ft. The home is surrounded by fruit trees and greenery, and houses up to 30 people. We pride ourselves in the atmosphere of our home and the quality of our care, being the only private nursing home in Malaysia where geriatric nurses from Kementerian Kesihatan do their practical training. The nursing home is run by registered nurses. We stress on nutrition, exercise / physiotherapy, medical follow-up and counseling for the eventual recovery of old folks.
We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Located in the suburbs of Melaka town, our home provides a peaceful environment for our old folks. Situated in a quiet residential area, our nursing home occupies the spacious compounds of an old school building, and is renovated with air-conditioned rooms and landscaped gardens. A short walk away from Klebang Beach, the surrounding atmosphere of our homes is serene and free from traffic.
Daily Care
Patients are bathed in the morning. After breakfast and medication, they are then brought to the garden where light exercise / physiotherapy is conducted. Physiotherapy includes hand pulley, cycle pedal, weight training with sand bags, guided walks and joint / muscle strengthening. Patients are free to spend time in the garden after their exercise / physiotherapy sessions, after which they head indoors for personal grooming. Grooming includes nail trimming, skin moisturizing, hair cutting etc. This is followed by patient-specific nursing care, and another session of exercise / physiotherapy is held after tea.
Our emphasis on this type of care is in the belief that exercise is the key to aging healthily and improving quality of life.